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FLA Solutions

Planimetric Solutions

FLA Planimetric Solutions follows a fast, accurate pathway to move you from your LIDAR and Orthophoto imagery to selectable classified CAD layers for your next steps in your design process. Our process is flexible allowing area of interest (AOI) subsets within your dataset so that you pay for only the acreage data reduction you need. Our process employs an artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (AI/ML) pre-process followed up by a hands-on, quality-controlled, human-in-the-loop finalization process to guarantee top quality and correct planimetric layer deliverables.


Planimetric Deliverables:


Over 100 possible layers, with custom symbology if needed, can be identified and named with the AOI datasets. As part of our up-front quote process, FLA will work with you to define the necessary deliverable layers you need for your project. Deliverables available in feet or meters, priced efficiently for the density of produced vectors from sparse rural to high-density urban environments.

Planimetric Output Formats:

LAZ compressed LIDAR data file

SHP file containing geometry data 

DBF attribute format file 

SHX shape index file 

PRJ project file 

DWG drawing file 

3D Planimetrics, Feature Extraction
Planimetrics, Feature Extraction overlay
Planimetrics, Feature Extraction
Contor Lines of roadway and gutter
Contor lines of mountainous area
Surveyor in the field

Topographic Solutions

FLA’s Topographic Solutions delivers your aerial-acquired data for you to gain an accurate insight into your ground topography. Your data is first processed using a cloud-based Artificial Intelligence (AI) classification algorithm and is then converted to a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) format with contours applied in a variety of available intervals.



Available in units of feet or meters, contour intervals down to 0.1 meter with an optional breakline add on for enhanced accuracy of the surface and contours. Classification options are available in ground only, enhanced classification: ground, buildings, and high vegetation, and enhanced classification plus: ground, buildings, vegetation, roads, water, bridges, and transmission.

Output Formats:

LAZ compressed LIDAR data file

SHP file containing geometry data 

DBF attribute format file 

SHX shape index file 

PRJ project file 

DEM in TIFF format

Accuracy Report in text file

Vegetation Encroachment Solutions

FLA’s drone-based vegetation encroachment solution provides a cost effective service that takes the powerline corridor point cloud and classifies any vegetation within the specified distances from an existing power conductor. This solution provides 3D polygons of the encroachments and conveniently catalogs the danger point locations for efficient remediation.

Vegetation Encroachment Deliverables:

Classified LAZ file

Danger point SHP file

Map display of danger points

Obstruction report in text file

Classified point cloud of trees, powerlines, and buildings.
Polygons of the vegetation violation areas overlayed in Google Earth
Classified point cloud of trees, powerlines, and buildings.

Tree Management Solutions

FLA's tree management solution creates a detailed inventory of the trees within your selected AOI. These details allow you to accurately plan and evaluate fire mitigation efforts, revegetation projects, and cutting plans. Our digital twin, collected routinely, can catalog the progress of tree growth or pre and post-treatment plans. Pair this inventory with multispectral imagery and analysis to evaluate overall forest health and progression.

Tree Management Deliverables:

Location KML file 

Map display of tree locations 

Inventory List

  • Total trees

  • ​Trees per acre

  • Max tree height

  • Median tree height

  • Mean tree height

  • Sum crown area

  • Sum basal area

Colorized point cloud
Colorized point cloud

Multispectral Solutions

FLA Multispectral Solutions are designed to provide immediate insights into plant health for vegetation management, agricultural crop health monitoring, forestry, fire analysis, drought, pest damage assessments, environmental monitoring, and more.


Post processing provides simultaneous high resolution RGB and Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) imagery as well as Color Infrared (CIR), NDVI2, Normalized Difference Red Edge Index (NDRE), and Digital Surface Models (DSM) for easy visualization of healthy vegetation versus unhealthy vegetation and insight into your AOI's surface.

Multispectral Deliverables:

Flight path vector maps

Geospatial RGB and NDVI imagery

Advanced vegetation health imagery


True color reflectance imagery over ponderosa pine rows


NDVI displaying health of young ponderosa pines

SLAM Solutions

FLA’s SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping) Solution is utilized indoors or in GPS-denied areas (underground). SLAM further enhances your ability to build a digital twin of your universe. FLA may stitch the ground-based point cloud data into your aerial point cloud to create an internal and external digital twin or a standalone internal digital model. All the deliverables derived from the aerial data can be derived from the ground-based data as well. 


LAZ compressed LIDAR data file

All the same solutions available for drone acquired data

Accuracy Report in text file


Hydro flatted Digital elevation model

Hydrology Solutions

FLA Hydrology Solutions deliver a hydro-flattened topographic DEM and contours where waterbodies have a single elevation and streams and rivers are flat bank-to-bank, with monotonic flow. Hydro-flattened data is delivered in accordance with the following parameters as defined in the USGS LIDAR Base Specification Guidelines

FLA can provide high resolution topographic data for flood modeling to predict and evaluate the integrity of the flood planning for the area of interest. Simulation of water volume and velocity through infrastructure and natural water body formations provides accurate flood boundary predictions. 

Hydrology Solutions Deliverables:

Ground Classified LAZ file

SHP file containing geometry data 

DBF attribute format file 

SHX shape index file

PRJ project file

DBF attribute format file

Hydro-flattened DEM in TIFF format

Accuracy Report in text file


✓ Architecture

✓ Site Engineering and Design 

✓ Construction (planning and ongoing project management)

✓ Damage Assessments and Mitigation (i.e., fire, flooding, natural disasters)

✓ Inspections and Quality Assessments 

✓ Code Enforcement

✓ Urban and Transportation Planning


✓ Survey
✓ Farming
✓ Ranching
✓ Agriculture
✓ Forestry
✓ Manufacturing
✓ Real Estate
✓ Insurance
✓ Energy
✓ Recreational
✓ Conservation


✓ US Geological Survey (USGS)

✓ US Forest Service (USFS)

✓ Bureau of Land management (BLM)

✓ Department of Transportation (State & Federal) (DOT)

✓ US Dept. of Agriculture (USDA)

✓ US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE)

✓ US Department of Defense (US DoD)

✓ Colorado Avalanche Information Center (CAIC)

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